powered by Control IMS LLC
July 2024

Getting the best fuel efficiency is an essential goal for every organization that must use combustion engines to carry out its work. It is a challenge to achieve more working hours, travel more kilometers, and, finally, use the machines that are needed for longer with a moderate amount of fuel.

More than 12 years of experience and knowledge in the work carried out by sugar mills, construction companies, mining companies, ports, and other companies have allowed Control IMS to develop useful products and services for their work.

What’s new?

The CEM (Control Engine Module) is a device that helps verify the engine hours of a machine that lacks an ECM data link. Its communication is done through WIFI and generates multiple benefits for its users, such as information about the performance and productivity of the fleet.


Among other tasks, the CEM controls the status of the engine whether it is on or off and identifies the accumulated operating hours and the number of ignition cycles. In addition, it provides valuable information for predictive and preventive engine maintenance.

Likewise, this module integrates with other IMS Control solutions for the automation of capturing working hours, such as the fuel level of fixed or mobile tanks, an optional alternative with the installation of capacitive level sensors.


The other equipment that helps meet the new challenges is the CTAP (Control Truck Access Point). A module that records information from the vehicle’s ECM and how the fleet is driven. It captures data from the odometer and engine hours and integrates with other IMS Control solutions. One of its main benefits is the automation of information to obtain performance, productivity, and fleet optimization data. In addition, the CTAP allows the evaluation of driver performance because it helps identify abnormal vehicle behavior. It is a device capable of capturing information from the ECM of any heavy vehicle with a J1708 or J1939 communication interface.

With these new modules, Control IMS strengthens its equipment offering to facilitate automatic management in the fuel operation of any company. Check it out!


What is the CONTROL IMS lease program?

Our company is offering a new service called CONTROL IMS leasing. With this, companies that need our products and services to automate their fuel operations can rent them easily.

The sweet flavor of control in the sugar mills of colombia

For several years, we have been able to establish the difficulties that sugar mill entrepreneurs face in the department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, one of the regions with the highest sugar cane production.

Our team of professionals will help you solve complex problems with automation technologies that will guarantee the reliability, efficiency, and safety of your operation.


Office: 12706 59th Way North Clearwater, Florida 33760

Phone: (+1) 727 371 2800/01

Email: sales@controlims.com

The copyright of the contents of the website belongs to CONTROL IMS LLC

