Powered by Control IMS LLC
September 2022

Fuel management is an administrative action with two main positive functions for the organization: Prevention and Saving.

When you install fuel management system to verify the usage of your fleet, its function is preventive. Its positive effects are multiple: Processes are automated; Personnel can be reassigned to other tasks; Time is saved; Fraud and theft are avoided, and fuel management is more precise. Consequently, the company begins to perceive a decrease in the consumption of this resource compared to the amount it used.

In the experience of CONTROL IMS, with several years in this service sector, fuel savings can be perceived in a matter of days for the company that implements the systems. In addition, automatic logs, which can be received on your cell phone, promptly show changes in fuel dispensing levels in real time. An essential tool for organizations looking for efficiency in their work.

It is worth mentioning that these systems manage the operation of our clients in sectors such as agriculture, aviation, chemical, concrete, construction, defense, energy, electric power, food, medical, mining, petroleum, pharmaceutical, port terminals, transportation, and utilities worldwide. Therefore, if you want profound organizational changes to meet today’s demanding challenges, CONTROL IMS is the option you are looking for.


Is it necessary to have fuel control in agroindustry and construction?

CONTROL IMS has the solutions to guarantee that the administrative areas of the companies achieve real-time, automated, and easy-to-apply monitoring of their resources to generate the necessary savings and sustainability.

Control is savings

You guarantee your company’s sustainability every time you use a system (hardware and software) that measures changes in your fuel levels.

Our team of professionals will help you solve complex problems with automation technologies that will guarantee the reliability, efficiency, and safety of your operation.


Office: 12706 59th Way North Clearwater, Florida 33760

Phone: (+1) 727 371 2800/01

Email: sales@controlims.com

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