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November 2021
“The eye of the master fattens the cattle"
How many times have we listened to this phrase to understand the need to be more efficient in our job?
The famous proverb has taken force these days where companies are heading out from the mess that the COVID-19 pandemic created worldwide. The proverb is related to the need that the leaders have, to pay close attention to the work completed by their teams and the responsibility to make them more efficient and productive.
Online fuel monitoring and economic reactivation: an example:
A known fuel supply and distribution company implemented fuel monitoring equipment in their stations. There were fuel inventory control methods in place, but were completed manually and submitted daily to headquarters. New technologies were installed to record and transmit live data of fuel inventories, and within days of installation, magically the fuel purchases started to grow in the stations that had active monitoring from CONTROL IMS compared with the stations that didn´t have it, where the quotas of purchases remained the same.
The project started in early 2020, before the pandemic, with the installation of technology in 60 stations in 4 months. In the first month, the equipment was installed in more than 12 stations and during this time, the purchases in the monitoring stations increased by 15%. The peculiar thing is that increasing monitoring equipment installation represented an increase in fuel sales in their stations. The affluence of sales on this organization helped them to strengthen their resources and support them to overcome the challenges that the pandemic produced.
Managing a fuel supply and distribution operation requires the investment of resources to generate savings and efficiency. This efficiency is expressed, for instance, in the access to information in real-time with analyzed data that allows management to foresee potential challenges of the operation.
If you monitor online, you can react immediately and don’t have to wait until the end of the month when there is nothing to do. In addition, in the middle of worldwide reactivation, monitoring and controlling fuel distribution are needed tasks to promote the sustainability of one of the most important sectors of the economy. Don´t you think?
Fuel control in 2022
Honestly: Fuel control is a job that must be done with care, dedication, and efficiency. In some cases, Control IMS has seen some organizations having demanding challenges to carry out this process because they need additional personnel to dedicate to this important task.
Three lessons to face in 2022
2021 is finishing and it’s time to start projecting 2022. After the evaluation of this year, we see three valuable lessons for the fuel and transportation sector.
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