Powered by Control IMS LLC
May 2023

A few years ago, CONTROL IMS lost a tender to provide its products and services. The reason? One of the competitors offered a system for $30,000 less.

More than two years later, this story took a 180-degree turn. We received a call from the person in charge of the process, in which he confessed that the project didn’t work. The audit department depended on the information generated by the system installed. But the system provided little to no information, and the project failed because of the negative results.  He stated, “everything went well until the installations started, but several months after connecting the equipment and processing information, the system never worked”.

The company regretted its decision: What they thought was cheap initially turned out to be very expensive, and they had to purchase our products and services.

Lessons learned.

Difficult situations demand more and more creativity to solve them. Crises also require united work teams that think and act together for the company to balance income and expenses and to guarantee that every dollar invested generates profitability.

In this search, there is an imbalance between the situations that must be resolved and the options to solve them. Sometimes the problems seem bigger than the proposed solutions. The organization may face a landscape of reactive, disjointed decisions, with few resources and uncertain results, even though definitive solutions are expected.

There, uncertainty must give way to ideas that seek brilliant and lasting solutions. Alternatives such as those offered by CONTROL IMS, solutions that automate fuel operation with modern equipment and practical software. Everything to reduce errors in the monitoring and administering of the company’s resources.

Now, the decision is up to the directives: Apply restrictions, lower costs, tighten the work environment, and demand more, Or invest in a system that saves so much that it reduces problems and conflicts, like the system offered by CONTROL IMS. The decision is yours.


To automate or not to automate? that is the question

Balance the pros and cons of changing or maintaining your fuel operation: between automation or manually managing the resources that give your company dynamism.

More technology, fewer costs

During the last 12 years of operation, we have witnessed real stories from business organizations that switched to our products and services due to force majeure.

Our team of professionals will help you solve complex problems with automation technologies that will guarantee the reliability, efficiency, and safety of your operation.


Office: 12706 59th Way North Clearwater, Florida 33760

Phone: (+1) 727 371 2800/01


The copyright of the contents of the website belongs to CONTROL IMS LLC

